In recognition of NAIDOC week, which stands for National Aboriginal and Islander Heritage Week, we’ve come up with a few ways you can get involved.
For the uninitiated, NAIDOC week takes place in July every year and aims to raise awareness of issues affecting Indigenous communities. It does so by bringing attention to the history and traditions of Australian Aboriginals and other unique island cultures.
This year’s 2022 theme – Get up! Stand up! Show up! is so important. Every Australian should be celebrating the individuals who have already driven and led institutional, structural, collaborative, and cooperative change in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, while driving and leading such change ourselves.
To help you get started on planning an awesome NAIDOC event, we’ve listed some ideas below.
Host A Workshop Or Talk About Indigenous Culture
One way to celebrate NAIDOC week is to host a workshop or talk about indigenous culture. This can be done in groups or one-on-one. You can also invite an Australian Indigenous speaker to do a presentation at work in which they educate people about what NAIDOC week is, how it came to be, and what can be done to participate. Hosting a workshop or talk during NAIDOC week is a great way to raise awareness and educate people about Aboriginal culture. It also gives people an opportunity to ask questions about indigenous history and culture.
Provide information about Aboriginal culture and history on your menu
Another way to participate in NAIDOC week at work is to provide information about Aboriginal culture and history on your menu. You can add a special note about the significance of the week or create a special Aboriginal-themed dish to honour it. For example, you can create a special Aboriginal bush tucker dish or add a note on the menu that explains what it is. You can also add a special note to your menu informing customers about the history of NAIDOC week. This is a great way to educate your customers and be sensitive to the issues affecting Aboriginal culture.
Organise A NAIDOC Quiz Or Game
Another way to celebrate NAIDOC week at work is to organise a NAIDOC quiz or game. You can do this in groups or one-on-one with a colleague. You can also use it as a team-building exercise. You can create your own quiz or go online and find a pre-existing Aboriginal quiz. Another option is to play Aboriginal trivia games or card games that are related to Aboriginal culture.
Set Up An Indigenous Art Exhibition Or Exhibition
If you work in a creative industry, another way to celebrate NAIDOC week is to set up an Indigenous art exhibition or exhibition. You can do this in groups or one-on-one with colleagues. You can do this with paintings, sculptures, photographs, or any other type of Indigenous art. You can also partner with Indigenous-focused museums to host an exhibition of their artefacts. This can be done at work or in a public space. If you do it at work, you can also create a seminar or discussion around the exhibition to go along with it.
Organise an Indigenous dance class for employees
If you work in a restaurant or bar and have a dance floor, you can organise an Indigenous dance class for employees. This can be done as a one-off or as a weekly or monthly event. You can invite Indigenous dance instructors to come in and teach people how to do traditional dances. You can also organise a dance competition during the week where employees can compete in different categories related to dance.
Donate some of your profits to an Aboriginal charity
One way to celebrate NAIDOC week at work is to donate some of your profits to an Aboriginal charity. You can do this in groups or one-on-one with a colleague. You can also create a special event or celebration and donate a portion of the profits from it to a charity that focuses on Aboriginal culture. You can also create a special event during the week, such as setting up a donation box or raffle with all proceeds going to Aboriginal charities.
Throw A Big Celebration At The End Of NAIDOC Week
Finally, you can celebrate NAIDOC week by throwing a big celebration at the end of it. You can do this at work or outside of work with colleagues. You can do a special event or do something related to Aboriginal culture. You can also host an Aboriginal-themed party or celebration. You can do this with a big event at a park or public space or you can host it at work. You can also host a special event at the end of the week, such as a seminar or discussion on the issues affecting Aboriginal communities. These ten ways to celebrate Indigenous culture during NAIDOC Week are a great way to show your customers that you are culturally aware and sensitive. They also provide a great opportunity to learn more about Aboriginal history and culture.
Enter the National NAIDOC Poster Competition
Entries for the 2022 National NAIDOC poster competition are open.
Teenage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists can enter and submit artwork that reflects this year's NAIDOC theme.
A $10,000 cash prize is on offer for thewinning artist and their artwork will be used as the official 2022 National NAIDOC Week Poster.
Entries for the poster competition close 14 March 2022 at 11:59PM (AEDT).
Here at Clare Makes, we are an Australian brand and are so proud to celebrate Indigenous culture. We hope you have a great NAIDOC week and come out of it having gained an increased appreciation for Aboriginal culture.